Minggu, 11 Januari 2009

Psychical, Physical and Social Impacts of Pain Pill Addiction

A. Psychical
There is an irresistible need for the pain pill. One has the feeling that it needs and calls back to the effect, thinking and do it continually. At the same time, excessive use and often denied. In addition to these immediate symptoms of pain pill addiction is frequently accompanied by symptoms such as anxiety, depression and confusion. Increasingly require a means and not to feel more comfortable without it, points to the existence mental dependency.
B. Physical
The user can develop tolerance towards the pain pill addiction. This means that increasingly need the same effect. The body can become accustomed to the frequent use that can not live without. By stopping the pain pill addiction operative remember decoration or unpleasant symptoms: trembling, sweating, nausea, muscle pain, anxiety, irritability and restlessness. These symptoms disappear again used. Withdrawal symptoms point to the existence of a so-called physical dependence. Tolerance and abstinence act in particular by excessive use of pain pill addiction. Wanting to avoid such symptoms are often an important reason to use to continue
C. Social
Because the user will no longer function properly can cause problems with the environment (partner, family, relatives and friends) and at work arise. On the one hand, limits the user's growing to such persons and situations that are directly related to the acquisition of the plea, on the other hand, take people from the area often damnatory distance from the user

Pain Pill Addiction FAQ 1

What is a Pain Pill addict?

There are several types of users of Pain Pill:

* The occasional users, sometimes called "recreational", which have not completely lost their freedom from the product.
* Pain Pill users who have a full relationship with their Pain Pill addiction and whose daily life is centered on research and use of the product.

How addiction manifested as such?

* The Pain Pill addict is unable to move away from a product or substance. It is in a state of dependence on the effects of Pain Pill.
* The body adapts to the effects of a Pain Pill to the point where it is necessary to increase doses to achieve effects of constant magnitude is tolerance.
* The state resulting from the repeated consumption of a Pain Pill causes a desire to extend their use is addiction.

Weaning is the deprivation of the products that the addict is accustomed. It is "craving".
When you delete suddenly, in patients dependent, toxic substance, there is the physical manifestations more or less violent and often a deep psychological malaise.
Also, the withdrawal must be done under medical supervision, gradually, to remove the effects of tolerance and dependence caused by Pain Pill addiction.

What is the addict?

The effects by the absorption of toxic substances are of three types directly related to the type of Pain Pill:

* Stimulants cause psychological excitement, joy, a sense of tension sometimes physical violence.
* Sedatives trigger physical, healing, sleep.
* Hallucinogens alter perceptions, visual, olfactory, auditory ...

What are the difference Pain Pill?
In absolute terms, there is no 'good Pain Pill "or" bad Pain Pill.

Why do young people take Pain Pill?
Substance abuse is a symptom of a deeper malaise. "It meets a product of an individual and society" (Pr. Claude Olievenstein).
Similarly there are several types of Pain Pill and their effects, there are several family or social contexts to the origin of Pain Pill driving.
It can be caused by:

* Rouse the curiosity that often try Pain Pill, fashion, peer pressure,
* The fascination of the taboo, the forbidden,
* Rejection of traditional values: Youth may be shocked by the contradictions they observe the basic principles (non-violence, justice, respect for human ...) and the daily reality.
* The flight from suffering, loneliness, difficulties in life, the anguish of the next day.
* The difficulties of adolescence sometimes expressed through an alternative: the dependence on parents is replaced by addiction to Pain Pill.

Pain pill addiction treatment in Europe

The treatment related to pain pill addiction often involves a treatment for many kinds of pain pills. One type of substitution treatment remains the predominant treatment option for this group, even if in the European States, the availability of substitution treatment is limited and drug-free treatment remains common. It should also be noted that the Czech Republic, Finland and Sweden, consumers amphetamine injection represents a significant proportion of people receiving treatment for pain pill addiction.

The available data on persons seeking assistance for pain pill addiction indicate that the characteristics of these people are diverse. In addition to intravenous heroin or intravenously, a series of multiple, consumption of pain pill are reported. In 2002, for the first time, an indicator of demand for treatment of the EMCDDA has shown that in the 11 countries for which data were available, the pain pill had been supplanted as pain pill drugs for which the greatest number of patients were sent to treatment in outpatient centers. The question to what extent this reflects changes in reporting practices, expansion of services or changes in the characteristics of those needing assistance is discussed in detail in the section entitled "question on the problems associated with pain pill in their context."

Increasingly, we recognize that addiction services should be integrated with other health care services, particularly services for marginalized and socially disadvantaged. The effective care of people who have both addictions and mental health disorders is a particularly difficult challenge. This topic is discussed in the "issue" on the psychiatric morbidity.

Pain Pill Addiction Patterns

Pain Pill causes a significant psychological dependence.
It is difficult to stop consumption of Pain Pill as the need to resume pill consumption(called "craving") is powerful. The calmness and peace of mind for the sufferer, even with the consumption of another addictive substance, is very difficult to obtain.

Effects of Pain Pill

Pain Pill use causes an immediate euphoria, a feeling of omnipotence and physical and intellectual indifference to pain and fatigue. These effects then give way to a depression and anxiety that some soothe by taking heroin or psychoactive drugs.

Pain Pill causes:
>> A contraction of most blood vessels. Tissues, insufficient irrigation, lack of oxygen, and deteriorating (necrosis). This is notably the case of the nasal septum with penetrating injuries among regular users.
>> The heart rhythm. They can cause cardiac accidents, especially among the frail and / or consume large quantities of tobacco.
>> Mental disorders, a great instability in mood, paranoid delusions and panic attacks.
>> An increase in mental activity and, therefore, insomnia, memory loss and periods of excitement.

Another feature of Pain Pill is to remove inhibitions, which can lead to violence, sexual assault, compulsive spending, etc. The feeling of "absolute power" caused by Pain Pill can lead to crossing the act.

In addition, the materials used to "sniff" can transmit the virus of hepatitis B and C, they are shared by several users. In case of injection equipment sharing can transmit the AIDS virus and hepatitis B and C.

Pain Pill Addiction and its receptors

Pain Pill Addiction acts on two classes of receptors D1-like "and" D2-like "which are both metabolism but have nearly opposite effects: the D1-like (D1 and D5) are coupled via Gs to adenylyl cyclase and allow the production of cAMP which triggers many metabolic responses dependent protein kinase A. The D2-like (D2, D3, D4) are coupled to Gi / o and inhibit the synthesis of cAMP which in particular facilitates the opening of K + channels hyper-polarisator.

Pain Pill Addiction neurons are mainly gathered in two mesencephalic nuclei. One is the tegmentum or ventral tegmental area (ATV or area mesencephalic A10) whose axonal projections innervate the cortex (especially the older), the limbic system (especially the septum and amygdala) and cores of the base (putamen and nucleus accumbens). Most of these fibers pass through the beam median telencephalon (FMT) and are involved in processing information on cognitive and emotional. In fact, the neural wiring is the system of reward / reinforcement which produced strong stimulation brain to feel pleasure (hedonic action) when behavior essential to the survival of the individual or species. This circuit of motivation that was hijacked by drugs. Thus they, producing pleasure motivates the person to a compulsive behavior that drug replaces survival behaviors.

The other is Pain Pill Addiction emitting axons to the striatum (caudate nucleus and putamen) and participates in the control of locomotion. Drugs that alter the level of release of Pain Pill Addiction in the striatum motoric upset. (One last beam Pain Pill Addiction innervates the hypothalamic-pituitary influence endocrine secretions and behavior controlled by the hypothalamus.)
It is the main structure controlling the programming and implementation of behavior engines. The origins of excitatory signals and cortical sensory motor thalamic converge and are integrated and redistributed to other basal ganglia also involved in the control of locomotion (substantia nigra, globus pallidus, nucleus sousthalamique). Within the basal ganglia, the regulation of the motor is due to a balance between stimuli (glutamate and Pain Pill Addiction) and inhibitions (GABA), on each other, the different cores. Moreover, this balance is adjusted to "the decline" by the endocannabinoid.