Minggu, 11 Januari 2009

Pain Pill Addiction FAQ 1

What is a Pain Pill addict?

There are several types of users of Pain Pill:

* The occasional users, sometimes called "recreational", which have not completely lost their freedom from the product.
* Pain Pill users who have a full relationship with their Pain Pill addiction and whose daily life is centered on research and use of the product.

How addiction manifested as such?

* The Pain Pill addict is unable to move away from a product or substance. It is in a state of dependence on the effects of Pain Pill.
* The body adapts to the effects of a Pain Pill to the point where it is necessary to increase doses to achieve effects of constant magnitude is tolerance.
* The state resulting from the repeated consumption of a Pain Pill causes a desire to extend their use is addiction.

Weaning is the deprivation of the products that the addict is accustomed. It is "craving".
When you delete suddenly, in patients dependent, toxic substance, there is the physical manifestations more or less violent and often a deep psychological malaise.
Also, the withdrawal must be done under medical supervision, gradually, to remove the effects of tolerance and dependence caused by Pain Pill addiction.

What is the addict?

The effects by the absorption of toxic substances are of three types directly related to the type of Pain Pill:

* Stimulants cause psychological excitement, joy, a sense of tension sometimes physical violence.
* Sedatives trigger physical, healing, sleep.
* Hallucinogens alter perceptions, visual, olfactory, auditory ...

What are the difference Pain Pill?
In absolute terms, there is no 'good Pain Pill "or" bad Pain Pill.

Why do young people take Pain Pill?
Substance abuse is a symptom of a deeper malaise. "It meets a product of an individual and society" (Pr. Claude Olievenstein).
Similarly there are several types of Pain Pill and their effects, there are several family or social contexts to the origin of Pain Pill driving.
It can be caused by:

* Rouse the curiosity that often try Pain Pill, fashion, peer pressure,
* The fascination of the taboo, the forbidden,
* Rejection of traditional values: Youth may be shocked by the contradictions they observe the basic principles (non-violence, justice, respect for human ...) and the daily reality.
* The flight from suffering, loneliness, difficulties in life, the anguish of the next day.
* The difficulties of adolescence sometimes expressed through an alternative: the dependence on parents is replaced by addiction to Pain Pill.

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